Well, besides stitching I do have another life! :)
DH does a lot of work with youth in the state of NC. His main job is to get them involved in missions in NC, in the states and a few times overseas. We do that all of June and July. But during April and May he does all kind of planning trips, to set up all the different activities we have the youth do. We're talking over 1,500 youth this summer. So it's no small job! Trust me! :)
This week is spring break for our boys. So when DH asked me to go with him to the NC mountains for a few days, I said sure! Thankfully my wonderful inlaws live on the way, and we dropped the kids off with them! :) So they got the grandkids and we got a break! :)
Not sure we didn't get much of a break. We had 4-5 meetings, plus DH led a conference last night which lasted pretty late. Today we drove back to pick up kids which happened to be in the same town where DH had another planning meeting!
Anybody tired yet?! Don't be.... we head to Pennsylvania tomorrow! My grandpa turns 91 on Sunday, my grandma will be 92 in June. They are both in excellent health and still drive and have a schedule about as busy as mine! But recently grandpa hasn't been doing too great. He's having trouble with his breathing and his lungs filling with fluid.
SO.... we're driving up to spend a few more days with them. I think, each time we go, that it will be the last time I see one or both of them. And so far, they've proven me wrong! Thank God, right?! Here I am mid 30's now (SCARY) and have yet to really experience my grandparents passing away. It's gonna be rough, I already know.
I have been doing a little stitching. Faye shared some proof! I stitched a little something on the way to the mountains yesterday...it'll go in the mail tomorrow. I finished the pinpillow that was due April 1st for Becky's exchange. And I finished a heart themed quilt square that was also due April 1st. And I sent Faye her gift and also sent another blog reader a little something.
By the way, I noticed I have 50 followers! That's pretty cool...I need to do a contest sometime to up my numbers, I guess! :) No time this week, maybe next week!!
SO, there ya have it! I don't have a single picture, except for what Faye took, so you'll just have to believe me!
Happy Easter every one!
Sloppy Joe Casserole
1 day ago
You have a wonderful time this weekend and Happy Easter.
Be always in stitches.
Have a safe trip...You two certainly deserve it~~~ Enjoy your down time~~ (and get in a little stitching tooooo)
As busy as your R&R plans were, it sounds like it was a good time spent together for you & DH, as well as grandparents & kids. Like you, I have been blessed with grandparents that lived a long time. While just lost 2 a couple of years ago, I still have my spunky 91.5 year old grandmother (she loves to tell everyone her age as she drives around Hilton Head Island giving tours). Take care! Lisa D
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