Wednesday, March 31, 2010
My Other Life
DH does a lot of work with youth in the state of NC. His main job is to get them involved in missions in NC, in the states and a few times overseas. We do that all of June and July. But during April and May he does all kind of planning trips, to set up all the different activities we have the youth do. We're talking over 1,500 youth this summer. So it's no small job! Trust me! :)
This week is spring break for our boys. So when DH asked me to go with him to the NC mountains for a few days, I said sure! Thankfully my wonderful inlaws live on the way, and we dropped the kids off with them! :) So they got the grandkids and we got a break! :)
Not sure we didn't get much of a break. We had 4-5 meetings, plus DH led a conference last night which lasted pretty late. Today we drove back to pick up kids which happened to be in the same town where DH had another planning meeting!
Anybody tired yet?! Don't be.... we head to Pennsylvania tomorrow! My grandpa turns 91 on Sunday, my grandma will be 92 in June. They are both in excellent health and still drive and have a schedule about as busy as mine! But recently grandpa hasn't been doing too great. He's having trouble with his breathing and his lungs filling with fluid.
SO.... we're driving up to spend a few more days with them. I think, each time we go, that it will be the last time I see one or both of them. And so far, they've proven me wrong! Thank God, right?! Here I am mid 30's now (SCARY) and have yet to really experience my grandparents passing away. It's gonna be rough, I already know.
I have been doing a little stitching. Faye shared some proof! I stitched a little something on the way to the mountains'll go in the mail tomorrow. I finished the pinpillow that was due April 1st for Becky's exchange. And I finished a heart themed quilt square that was also due April 1st. And I sent Faye her gift and also sent another blog reader a little something.
By the way, I noticed I have 50 followers! That's pretty cool...I need to do a contest sometime to up my numbers, I guess! :) No time this week, maybe next week!!
SO, there ya have it! I don't have a single picture, except for what Faye took, so you'll just have to believe me!
Happy Easter every one!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Saturday, up bright and early....back to my same seat! I stitched until 6:30pm. I did eat lunch, supper was a can of soda and some candy. I'm so healthy, I can't help it!
Saturday, my project of choice was Flower Power!! I spent the entire day in a pile of daisies! that's right, backstitching---ALL DAY---!! That part definitely wasn't Paradise!

And then life will get crazy! Our spring schedule is nearly as crazy as our summer schedule! But I just found out in July, I'm going to get to meet some of my Candian friends, during our trip up there with 60 teenagers! :) Might even get to hit an LNS, can't wait!
This week I've been just working on little things! I stitched something ugly the other day, and Faye made is so pretty! So I stitched Faye something ugly too, but she's gonna have to do the pretty part again!
A new stitching friend did me a great favor, so I stitched her a little something. It's not ugly at all, but I'm going to have to do the pretty part myself.
And I'm finishing up a charity square for a little girl's quilt. Oh and I have a pincushion due to be mailed the end of this month. It's stitched, just need to put it together.
So now you're up to date on my stitching life! Who cares about my other life, right?
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Almost finished!!

And remember I started this the other day? It will be finished in the shape of a heart, if I can figure out how to do it! LOL

And then I've been wanting to join in Sylvi's SAL. She releases one each month, and so far I'm three months behind. I'm hoping to get caught up and then just stitch each one as she releases them. We'll see! I'm going to stitch them all in one long line, stitched over one on 25 ct.

Course I always have Flower Power in the wings, and right now I need to finish up a pincushion for an exchange and stitch a quilt square.
Thanks for stopping by!Tuesday, March 16, 2010
The Finishing Fairy Came!!!
My new real life stitching friend, Faye, was sure she could make it pretty! Mmm, Hmm... sure I thought! I sent it to her on Friday.
I was thinking maybe she'd put a little fabric on the back and maybe a hangar.. but NO! You should see this little thing in person! All the little details are so cute! Check out the scissors hanging from the little ribbon, with the little button!

She doesn't live too far away... hmm!! Wonder if she'd notice a huge pile of things that need finishing, added to her own pile?
Monday, March 15, 2010
Send the Finishing Fairy...QUICK!
The other day, I got to thinking about my pile of little finished cross-stitch. And knew I had to do something about it!

Stupid Flatfolds
Pictures soon... if I don't throw them away first!
Thursday, March 11, 2010

Ooh, and I added the eyes, which I like. Not too sure about that mouth though! Who has a french knot for a mouth? Are they supposed to be singing? I need to iron it, before I can add the beads.

And check out Willy! :) He's sitting there by his little penguin buddy! Aren't they cuties?

And of course, I had to start something else new! This is by Blackbird Designs, I think. It's called Sweet Heart, it's supposed to finished in the shape of a heart. The fabric is about the right shade, but not exactly what the pattern called for. I started on another green, but realized it was 28ct, so put that up. And this is really too small of a count, I'm pretty sure it's only 40 ct., but I think I'll like it better on this fabric.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Go Ahead... Pick Your Chin Up Off The Floor!

I've wanted to stitch this one for almost two years! I even used the right fabric! 35ct. Havana by Weeks Dye Works. I love their fabrics. Whenever I see it in person, I think I don't like it.. but when I stitch on it, I LOVE IT! :) This is called Smell My Feet by La-D-Da. It was in the original October Ornament issue. I didn't use the proper green...this is Margarita by Crescent Colors... :)

Let's sing together:
You ain't got no alibi, You ugly! ooh, ooh, You ugly!
Oh, sorry, got distracted there for a minute! That was a cheer from high school that I start singing every time I hear the world UGLY.
So I have been stitching! Poor Dh is sick, but that means I have lots of stitching time in the evenings. So hopefully will finish up the polar bear tonight.
Last weekend, I went with Andrew to his Science competition. It was the first time I've really seen him interact with his school friends, since he's gone to middle school. I happened to snap this picture... I think it's a great one of him! Wish it weren't so dark! I love his natural smile in it! I rarely manage to capture that in person. He's a great kid! But you see that green jacket? Yeah, he wears it EVERY SINGLE DAY, all day long! Zipped up, just like that....

Here is his whole team, he is smack in the middle behind their sign!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Blocking Readers??
So, is there any way to block this certain poster from leaving comments on my blog? I don't want to have to approve everybody's comments, since there is only one that is being difficult!
Any ideas?! I just delete it whenever I get one...anything else I can do?
Thank Ya!
Friday, March 5, 2010
Inspirations Magazine #65
I'm going to be gone all day tomorrow. Andrew has a big science competition. I'm sneaking some stitching with me! His even is only for an hour...but we'll be there 7:30-2:30. Apparently he wants to watch the rest of his team! Gotta get up at 6:00 AM! Not fair for a Saturday, is it?! :)
Enjoy the weekend!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
A Few Pictures...I mean a TON of pictures!
This is the house where we stayed!

This is the view from the top porch!

Here's our whole group together! We went to church on the Sunday we were there. We got a little bit lost, and ended up showing up late. Which wouldn't have been bad, if our group hadn't DOUBLED the church size! LOL We totally interrupted the service! Then when everyone was greeting us, the pastor figured out where DH worked..and long story short, DH preached the sermon! LOL He said he'd never preached in shorts and a golf shirt before! He did a great job too!

This is my big brother and his wife, you can see the memorial from Pearl Harbor behind them. (what an incredible memorial!)

Here he is with his baby, Riley. They call him Rye Guy most of the time. I thought it was silly when I first heard it, but it suits him fine! He took a tumble down five outdoor steps while we were there...poor guy got a few HUGE goose eggs on his forehead!

This is Riley's big sister Anna. Isn't she a poser?! Such a cutie!

And this is Riley's other sister Bailey. Last time I saw her, she was so quiet and shy that she would barely speak to me. We had a great time together this week, we played tons of I Spy! She
is her own person, and is hilarious!

Andrew loved reading books to the little girls. He does such a great job with them!

Luke spent hours building this fort with his cousins! He was devasted when the neighbors came and took the large piece of driftwood from their fort. Seems they really needed it! The neighbors rebuilt the fort, but they never played in it after that! See the little one in the pink? She would NOT give Luke a minute alone! She wanted to constantly hug him, sit by him, eat with him, swim with him, play pool with him, etc. He was great with it, until the last day! Midway through our evacuation, we were riding a train at the Dole Plantation and he said, "Please, Mom! Don't let her sit by me!" For once in his life, Luke got to be the one with all the ideas! The one who controlled all the make-believe play! Thankfully these girls loved it and thought he had "the best ideas ever"!

These two are a hoot! They both told their moms that they didn't mean to get wet! They wear dresses constantly, even into the ocean apparently! (the one on the left is actually two years YOUNGER than the one on the right)

This is Andrew with the oldest cousin Ashley. They have both hit middle school, and it's a different world with these two! (check out my Dad in the background.. that is RARE!)

Last but not least, here's DH and me! This was the morning of the tsunami evacuation! I'm sporting my "woke up at 6:30, packed everything we owned, dragged kids out of bed, packed the cars, shoved breakfast down our throats, go to higher ground" look! Nice, huh? :)

We hadn't been together for forever. In fact, besides my mom and my sister, I hadn't seen any of them for 14 months...of course that means I had never even met Rye Guy!v It amazes me how quickly the kids hit it off! They get together so well, and have a blast! I think this was probably the first time there were no fights...well if you don't count the sibling fights! I try to go home, once a year. We do this big group every two years. Not sure where we'll go next! This house had so much room, that we all loved it and are hoping for another trip back in a few years!
Back to stitching, I hope!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Look at all my finishes!!
Let me try again....
Oh, yeah, that's right! I stitched NOTHING. Nada. Zilch!
However I did manage to:
soak in some sun
play Foosball with my 13 yr old niece
swim with dolphins
walk the beach
watch surfers
eat lots of shave ice: YUMMO
play card games with us "big kids"
color with my little nieces
play 50 million games of ISpy with my nieces
visit the Pearl Harbor Memorial
watch an international surf competition
help my boys do homework
(that was ROUGH! who wants to do homework in Hawaii?)
survive a tsunami threat
pack and evacuate rental house in less than 30 min.
visit the Dole Plantation
ate pineapple ice cream
did the World's Largest Maze (some of the adults maybe have quit!)
built sandcastles
buried my neices in sand and gave them mermaid sand tails!
said goodbye to my family
ran through Detroit airport to catch a five minute connection
fall into bed exhausted!
Anybody wonder why all four of us slept the entire four hour flight from Honolulu to Seattle? Luke doesn't even remember getting on the plane! :) We were so exhausted! But we had a great time. I need to go through my pictures and post a few of the great ones.
Today was full of unpacking, grocery shopping, and laundry. Hoping to take a "me day" tomorrow!