We're heading away again this weekend. We're doing a Youth Missions Retreat at the beach. I think we have 400+ youth signed up from all over NC. And guess what?! I have NO responsibilities, yeah you heard right! Well, I have to keep track of my 9 yr. old, that's gonna be a job in itself!
So I've been stitching some, here and there! I've stitched on one Friendship RR, and have one in my basket to start stitching on when I get home this Sunday. Course I didn't take pictures of those! But trust me, there's plenty to show you! Wanna see?
When I first took this picture of my Prairie Schooler Nativity, I was almost finished!

And before I could post about it, I finished it! It's tiny...about the size of a dollar bill, all stitched over one on 32 ct! I love it! It's my new favorite! Look how different the colors are! The fabric is closer to this color, but not quite so yellow! I left off the halos, I just don't go for the halos!

For some reason photobucket is not letting me rotate my pictures! So you're gonna have to lean to the left on all these, until I can get it fixed! This is my car project! It's all over one stitching too. It has four of these alphabet panels, it's a freebie out there somewhere!

I kept seeing this PS finished, and never could find the pattern after I really wanted it! My stitching momma saved the day and found the pattern for me! I love how they are all the same size!

But look what they did to Mary and Joseph! They changed the size! Now why would they do that? I like UNIFORMITY people!! (Lean to the right for this one!)

I haven't forgotten my Flower Power! But I just haven't had the time to really pull it out and work on it! But the pink flowers are all done, and the white ones are started, sorta!

I finished this one last month. It's by Erica Michaels, Humbly Born is the name of the pattern. The snowflakes are not very visible.. but I think I like it that way.. do you?

The stitching along the bottom is all over one! I like it! The colors aren't all exactly what they called for, I used some of what I had laying around!

And last, but not least, one of my very first internet friends and my fellow Diva sent me this for our Spring Exchange! I love it!

I'm gone for the weekend! I'll try to rotate these pictures before I go..but who knows if I'll find the time! Is there a way to rotate them in blogger? Or do I have to do it from photobucket?
I almost wet my pants! I just uploaded the last picture and somehow this whole long post went bye-bye! Thank goodness I remembered the undo button! I wonder who came up with that!?! Thank goodness!
See ya!