Friday, June 11, 2010

ISO Barb in Oregon??

For some reason I didn't save Barb's email! I tried to find her on but maybe she contacted me through my blog?!! I owe a big thankyou for some fabric!! If you're Barb from OR, please leave me a comment or send me an email! :)

You guys won't believe the pile of fabric I have been given! We have so much we are probably going to do the same thing (in English) for a young mothers home in the USA.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Do you have extra 14 ct. aida for HONDURAS?

I already posted this at, but am hoping to get some response from my blog too! :)

Forgive me for not retyping it, but it's a lot! :)

As some of you know, DH and I do lots of summer mission work with teenagers. We are heading to Honduras the end of July, and have the priveledge of working with young mothers in the capital city Tegucigalpa.

The place where we go to work, is run by a native Honduran. She daily feed 30-40 children that live in the surrounding area. She has been trying to reach the mothers in the area and she asked my DH if anybody would know how to teach the moms CROSS-STITCH!

WAHOO! :) imagine that, xstitch and me and mission! Can we say perfecto?!

ANYWAY! We've found a really awesome pattern that we are going to use with the ladies. Hopefully to be able to sell in their market place.

All that to sum up... I need pieces of 14 ct 17 by 13. The pattern only uses one color of thread, so I am going to go through all that DMC I bought when Walmart was going out of business! :) But if you have any needles and or cheap little scissors you might want to contribute, that'd be awesome!

We know for sure there will be 10 ladies there. But I'm hoping to leave them with enough supplies to make some more. Plus I'm going to take a few books to leave with them that have much smaller projects.

Would you want to help? Email me! :)

White/cream/ecru aida would work best. Sara

Thanks Ladies!

Friday, June 4, 2010

I Stitched for Sue Hillis

Remember this?

A couple weeks before our get-to-gether last weekend in Richmond, I got an email from Sue. She asked if I would be interested in stitching the pattern she made for the weekend, over one! I was so surprised she emailed me! :) I had the supplies within a day and had it stitched the next day.

And then she told me to finish it "however I want too".

All together, let's say it: "YIKES" This nice lady has been designing for forever and wants me to do it "however" I wanted! Can we say pressure?!

This is what I came up with:

I found some charms in my stash, and tied them on the ends of the ribbons. I know we all loved cross-stitch and without a doubt, we were going to laugh a lot!

So I sent her some pictures, she said it looked great... off to Richmond I went. The first night, I secretly handed her the project, it's top secret after all! :)

The next morning, as I got in line to register for the weekend, Sue grabbed my arm and asked me if I was able to check my email. Now my heart really started thumping. I felt for sure I did something wrong, that she didn't like it, that it wasn't what she wanted, etc. etc. etc.

Not to worry, turns out she liked it more in person than the pictures! I walked away and gave a huge sigh of relief!

When I got home, I was trying to explain to my kids and I said, "It'd be like if Lego asked you to post one of your projects online." And Andrew, my 13 year old says, "Oh mom, anybody can do that!"

I can always trust my kids to bring me back down to earth! HaHa

We had a great weekend. There were 70-80 of us, I never did get the final count. We met lots of new friends and got to sit with our Canadian friends. We only see them every two years, so we were glad to get to share a table with them.

My friend and I managed to hit 3 LNS's over the weekend. One on the way, one while we were there, and one on the way home. While we were there, we went to an itty-bitty shop that was stuffed to the brim with stuff! Course by the time 50-60 of us shopped at the same time, we were all much closer bonded! It was a tight fit, but I think we all managed to find something to spend our money on!!

And Sue invited 5-6 different people to come set up shops at the hotel! That was NOT a good idea! Well, I mean it was, but I might have spent a little too much money!

My family leaves in ten days to start two months of summer mission with teenagers. We're excited to get started and I have a million things to do to get ready. I got my stitching bag ready to go yesterday, but I highly doubt I'll get to much of any of it!

I bought some really neat smalls while on our stitching trip, had to move those straight to the top of the stitching list! Can't wait to show you!

See you around. Not sure when I'll get to post again.